Friday 18 December 2015

10 Tricks to get a professional job

Finding the right job opportunities—and standing out in a competitive market—is tough. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and hacks out there that are built to help you find your dream job, more quickly and easily than ever.
From an app that helps you optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems to a site that’ll keep all your applications in order, here are 10 tools and tips you’ve probably never heard about that can give your job search a serious boost.

1. Create a Twitter Job Search List to Track Job Listings From Thousands of Sources

Every day, recruiters are tweeting jobs they need to interview candidates for—making Twitter a seriously untapped resource for job seekers. To make sure you’re in the know about these leads, create a Twitter job search list that includes recruiters, hiring managers, company hiring handles, and job search websites. Then, review their tweets daily for potential opportunities.

2. Use JibberJobber to Keep Track of Information You Collect During Your Job Search

It’s easy to get disorganized during a job hunt. So, use a free tool such as JibberJobber to keep tabs on everything that’s going on. You can track the companies that you apply to, note each specific job that you apply for, and log the status of each application (date of first interview, date thank you letter sent, and so on).

3. Use LinkedIn Resume Builder to Create an Updated Resume Fast

If you’re like me, your LinkedIn profile is much more up to date than your actual resume. But if you need to update your resume fast for an available opportunity, don’t spend hours on your computer. Instead, export your LinkedIn profile into a classy looking resume using LinkedIn’s Resume Builder.

4. Put a Short and Unique LinkedIn URL on Your Resume to Stand Out to Recruiters

Instead of using the URL that LinkedIn assigns you with letters and numbers, customize it so it contains your name and the career field or job title you want to go into. (You can do this by clicking “edit profile” and clicking “edit” next to your LinkedIn URL.) This extra keyword will help when recruiters are searching for you, and sticking the URL on your resume will encourage recruiters to head to LinkedIn to learn more about you.

5. Use Resunate to See How Your Resume Scores on an Applicant Tracking System

Sick of not knowing if a human being is even reviewing the resume you worked so hard on?Resunate is web-based software that shows you how your resume would score on the applicant tracking system—and helps you improve it for every job you apply for.

6. Use SocialMention to Manage Your Online Reputation

While job searching, it’s important to keep your reputation crystal clear. To monitor what’s being said about you online, check out Social Mention, a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user-generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you across the web's social media landscape in real-time.

7. Use LinkedIn Groups to Contact Someone You Don’t Have an Email For

If you want to contact someone at your dream company but can’t find the right contact information anywhere, check out the person’s public LinkedIn profile and see what groups he or she is part of. Then, join the group where you share a mutual interest. Once you are in the same group, you can send a message through LinkedIn. Just make sure you include something about your common interest in your message—it’ll make you seem like a networker, not a stalker.

8. Use Insightly to Manage and Organize Business Cards You Collect

Insightly is a free CRM system that helps you manage your key contacts and relationships—and it’s a great tool for your job search. After you meet someone, put his or her contact information in this system, and write down important information you learned from your conversation. Then, create a reminder in the system to follow up on a certain date in the future.

9. Use Contactually to Create an Automatic Follow-up System

A big job search mistake is to only focus on meeting new people and forgetting about the people you already know. In fact, it’s extremely important to keep up with your current relationships! Contactually helps you consistently reengage with the most important people in your network by sending you automatic reminders to email people you haven’t talked to in a while.

10. Update Your LinkedIn Status Daily to Stay Top of Mind

This will make sure that you’ll stay on the radar of everyone you know—read: that they’ll remember you when an available opportunity opens up. How to do this without being annoying? Share an article, a quote, or a project you’re working on. Other ways of showing up in the LinkedIn news feed are by getting recommended, by adding a new connection, by joining a group, or by changing your photo.

Put these simple “hacks” into practice, and you’ll quickly see an improvement in your job search results. Meaning: You’ll land that dream job oh-so-much faster.

B2B Info Solutions Pvt LTD

Thursday 17 December 2015

Javascript Interview Questions You Must Know


Below is the list of latest and updated JavaScript interview questions and their answers for freshers as well as experienced users. These interview questions will help you to prepare for the interviews, So let's start....

JavaScript Interview Questions for both Experienced Programmers and Freshers

1) What is JavaScript?
Ans:JavaScript is a scripting language most often used for client-side web development.
2) What is the difference between JavaScript and Jscript?
Ans:Both JavaScript and Jscript are almost similar. JavaScript was developed by Netscape. Microsoft reverse engineered Javascript and called it JScript.
3) How do we add JavaScript onto a web page?
Ans:There are several way for adding JavaScript on a web page, but there are two ways which are commonly used by developers
If your script code is very short and only for single page, then following ways are the best:
a) You can place <script type="text/javascript"> tag inside the <head> element.


<title>Page Title</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
   var name = "Vikas Ahlawta"
b) If your script code is very large, then you can make a JavaScript file and add its path in the following way:


<title>Page Title</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="myjavascript.js"></script>
4) Is JavaScript case sensitive?
A function getElementById is not the same as getElementbyID.
5) What are the types used in JavaScript?
6) What are the boolean operators supported by JavaScript? And Operator: &&
Or Operator: ||
Not Operator: !
7) What is the difference between “==” and “===”?
“==” checks equality only,
“===” checks for equality as well as the type.
8) How to access the value of a textbox using JavaScript?
Ans: ex:-


<!DOCTYPE html>
Full name: <input type="text" id="txtFullName" 
name="FirstName" value="Vikas Ahlawat">
There are following ways to access the value of the above textbox:
var name = document.getElementById('txtFullName').value;

we can use the old way:

var name = document.forms[0].FirstName.value;

Note: This uses the "name" attribute of the element to locate it.
9) What are the ways of making comments in JavaScript?
// is used for line comments
ex:- var x=10; //comment text

*/  is used for block comments
var x= 10; /* this is
block comment example.*/
10) How will you get the Checkbox status whether it is checked or not?
var status = document.getElementById('checkbox1').checked; 
will return true or false.
11) How to create arrays in JavaScript?
Ans:There are two ways to create array in JavaScript like other languages:
a) The first way to create array
Declare Array:


var names = new Array(); 
Add Elements in Array:-
names[0] = "Vikas";
names[1] = "Ashish";
names[2] = "Nikhil";
b) This is the second way:
var names = new Array("Vikas", "Ashish", "Nikhil");
12) If an array with name as "names" contain three elements, then how will you print the third element of this array?
Ans: Print third array element document.write(names[2]);
Note:- Array index starts with 0.
13) How do you submit a form using JavaScript?
Ans:Use document.forms[0].submit();
14) What does isNaN function do?
Ans: It returns true if the argument is not a number.


document.write(isNaN("Hello")+ "<br>");
document.write(isNaN("2013/06/23")+ "<br>");
document.write(isNaN(123)+ "<br>");
The output will be:
15) What is the use of Math Object in JavaScript?
Ans: The math object provides you properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions.


var x = Math.PI; // Returns PI
var y = Math.sqrt(16); // Returns the square root of 16
var z = Math.sin(90);    Returns the sine of 90
16) What do you understand by this keyword in JavaScript?
Ans: In JavaScript the this is a context-pointer and not an object pointer. It gives you the top-most context that is placed on the stack. The following gives two different results (in the browser, where by-default the windowobject is the 0-level context):
var obj = { outerWidth : 20 };
function say() {
say();//will alert window.outerWidth
say.apply(obj);//will alert obj.outerWidth
17) What does "1"+2+4 evaluate to?
Ans: Since is a string, everything is a string, so the result is 124.
18) What does 3+4+"7" evaluate to?
Ans: Since and are integers, this is number arithmetic, since is a string, it is concatenation, so 77 is the result.
19) How do you change the style/class on any element using JavaScript?


document.getElementById(“myText”).style.fontSize = “10";
document.getElementById(“myText”).className = “anyclass”;
20) Does JavaScript support foreach loop?
Ans: JavaScript 1.6(ECMAScript 5th Edition) support foreach loop,
See example here
21) What looping structures are there in JavaScript?
Ans: forwhiledo-while loops
22) What is an object in JavaScript, give an example?
Ans: An object is just a container for a collection of named values:

// Create the man object


var man = new Object(); = 'Vikas Ahlawat'; = true;
man.age = 27;
23) How you will add function as a property in a JavaScript object? Give an example.


var man = new Object(); = 'Vikas Ahlawat'; = true;
man.age = 27;
man.getName = function() { return;}
console.log(man.getName()); // Logs 'Vikas Ahlawat'.
24) What is the similarity between the 1st and 2nd statement?
1st:- var myString = new String('male'); // An object.
2nd:- var myStringLiteral = 'male'; // Primitive string value, not an object.
Ans: Both will call String() constructor function
You can confirm it by running the following statement:
console.log(myString.constructor, myStringLiteral.constructor);
25) What will be the output of the following statements?


var myString = 'Vikas' // Create a primitive string object.
var myStringCopy = myString; // Copy its value into a new variable.
var myString = null; // Manipulate the value
console.log(myString, myStringCopy);
Ans: // Logs 'null Vikas'
26) Consider the following statements and tell what would be the output of the logs statements?
var price1 = 10;
var price2 = 10;
var price3 = new Number('10'); // A complex numeric object because new was used.
console.log(price1 === price2); 
console.log(price1 === price3);
console.log(price1 === price2); // Logs true.
console.log(price1 === price3); /* Logs false because price3 
contains a complex number object and price 1
is a primitive value. */
27) What would be the output of the following statements?
var object1 = { same: 'same' };
var object2 = { same: 'same' };
console.log(object1 === object2);
Ans: // Logs false, JavaScript does not care that they are identical and of the same object type.
When comparing complex objects, they are equal only when they reference the same object (i.e., have the same address). Two variables containing identical objects are not equal to each other since they do not actually point at the same object.
28) What would be the output of the following statements?


var object1 = { same: 'same' };
var object2 = object1;
console.log(object1 === object2);
Ans: // Logs true
29) What is this?
var myArray = [[[]]];
Ans: Three dimensional array
30) Name any two JavaScript functions which are used to convert nonnumeric values into numbers?


var n1 = Number(“Hello world!”); //NaN
var n2 = Number(“”);             //0
var n3 = Number(“000010”);       //10
var n4 = Number(true);           //1
var n5 = Number(NaN);            //NaN
31) Does JavaScript Support automatic type conversion, If yes give example.
Ans: Yes! Javascript support automatic type conversion. You should take advantage of it, It is most common way of type conversion used by Javascript developers.
var s = '5';
var a = s*1;
var b = +s;
typeof(s); //"string"
typeof(a); //"number"
typeof(b); //"number" 

Gulp js interview questions You must know

Gulp is gaining popularity and it has become part of every web application these days. In this post, find list of latest and updated gulp js interview questions and their answers for freshers as well as experienced users. These interview questions will help you to prepare for the interviews, for qui
Gulp is gaining popularity and it has become part of every web application these days. In this post, find list of latest and updated gulp js interview questions and their answers for freshers as well as experienced users. These interview questions will help you to prepare for the interviews, for quick revision and provide strength to your technical skills.

Gulp.js interview questions

Q1. What is Gulp?

Ans. Gulp is a build system and JavaScript task runner which can automate common tasks of any website like minification, checking js errors, bundling of various js and css files, compile SASS, optimize images, create sprites, concatenate files and many more..

Q2. Is gulp based on node.js?

Ans. Yes. Gulp is based on node.js.

Q3. Why to use gulp?

Ans. Though gulp is not much old but it is becoming very popular. It’s faster than grunt and efficient as well. It prefers code over configuration approach, and uses power of node streams to gives you fast build. Many tech giants are already favoring Gulp like microsoft. Though they do support Grunt, but Gulp is their first choice.

Q4. How do you install gulp?

Ans.Gulp and gulp plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager. To install gulp, first ensure the npm is installed properly. And then run following command to install gulp globally on your system.
npm install --global gulp
Read this excellent post on “Why do we need to install gulp globally and locally”?
And also install gulp in your project devDependencies:
npm install --save-dev gulp
--save-dev option writes devDependencies to “package.json”. Please make sure when you run this command, your package.json is created. If not create, then use npm init command to create this file.

Q5. How do you setup/configure gulp?

Ans. Once installed, you need to add 2 files to setup gulp.
1. package.json: This file is used by npm to store metadata for projects published as npm modules. So basically, there will be list of all gulp plugins, along with gulp which your project is using.
2. Gulpfile.js: This is where magic happens. This is the place where we define what automation needs to be done and when you want that to happen.

Q6. What is –save-dev option while installing the gulp?

Q7. What is the difference between –save and –save-dev?

Q8. What does ~ (tilde) sign means in package.json?

Ans. To answer all these 3 questions, please read the same on “Grunt js interview question”. As the answer remains same just replace “grunt” with “gulp”.

Q9. What are gulp plugins and how do you install a gulp plugin?

Ans. A plugin is nothing but a reusable piece of code. Somebody has already made it and distributed to the world to use it, so that you don’t have to code again. It saves your time. Gulp plugins are distributed through Node’s NPM directory. Normally, they are prefixed with gulp- Example: gulp-jshint. You can get list of all gulp plugins here.
To install gulp plugin, run following command.
npm install --save-dev gulp-jshint
You can also install multiple plugins together.
npm install --save-dev gulp-jshint gulp-concat gulp-uglify 
By default, it always installs the latest version available. But if you wish to install specific version then same you can include in the command.
npm install <module>@version --save-dev

Q10. How do you uninstall gulp?

Ans. Run following command to uninstall gulp globally.
npm uninstall -g gulp
And if you wish to remove from your project,
npm uninstall --save-dev gulp

Q11.What is code over configuration?

Ans. Gulp prefers code over configuration, which keeps things simple and makes complex tasks manageable. If you have worked with grunt, or seen gruntfile.js then you will find that you do configuration using JSON, and in case of gulp there is plain JavaScript code to do the magic. Here is how a grunt file will look like.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    concat: {
      options: {
        separator: ';'
      dist: {
        src: ['src/**/*.js'],
        dest: 'dist/<%= %>.js'
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat']);
Here, we are configuring the grunt plugins via JSON. You can see the complete sample file here.
And below is a sample gulp file,
var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('js/*.js')
gulp.task('default', ['scripts']);
As you can see, there is all code no configuration. The file looks much clean and manageable. This is an advantage of gulp over grunt.

Q12. What is node stream?

Ans. Stream is an object that allows you to read the data from source and then send (pipe) it to destination. The power is stream is that everything is done in memory.

Q13. How does gulp use streams and what are the benefits of using it?

Ans. As mentioned earlier, that Gulp is a streaming build system, uses node’s streams. So it reads the files and keeps them in memory, perform all the operation in memory, and finally write the file to disk. Here take a look at sample gulp file.
var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('js/*.js')
// Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['scripts']);
Here a single task named “script” does magic for 3 gulp plugins jshintuglify and concat. It first reads all the js files and pipe it to jshint (which checks for errors) and which passes it on to uglify and uglify will do the its job and pass the updated source to contact which contacts the files in “app.js” file and finally writes to the disk.
So here are advantages of using streams in gulp,
  • There are less number of file I/O operations, in fact only 2. Just think how grunt will do the same job. Grunt will take the file -> runs the task -> write the file. And repeat the same process for the task. So there are more file I/O operations. Though this feature will be coming soon in grunt as well. But for now, gulp is the winner.
  • It makes gulp faster, since grunt doesn’t use streams.
  • In gulp, you can chain multiple tasks but that’s not possible with grunt.

Q14. Which are different functions of a gulpfile?

Ans. There are 4 functions which completes a gulpfile.
  • Gulp.task
  • Gulp.src
  • Gulp.dest

Q15. What is gulp.task and how to use it?

Ans. gulp.task registers the function with a name.In other words, it defines your tasks. Its arguments are name, deps and fn.
name: is of string type and it is name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.,
deps: An array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run. This is optional.
fn: is the function that performs the task’s main operations. This is also optional.
As mentioned, both deps and fn are optional but you must supply either deps or fn with the name argument. So, it has 3 forms.
gulp.task('mytask', function() {
  //do stuff
gulp.task('mytask', ['array', 'of', 'task', 'names']);
The tasks will run in parallel (all at once), so don’t assume that the tasks will start/finish in order.
gulp.task('mytask', ['array', 'of', 'task', 'names'], function() {
  //do stuff .
An array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run.

Q16. What is gulp.src and how to use it?

Ans. As the name suggest src, points to your source files (files you wish to use). It returns a readable stream and then piped to other streams using .pipe (as seen in earlier answers).
gulp.src(globs[, options])
It takes glob as parameter along with an optional [option] parameter. Read more about glob here.

Q17. What is gulp.dest and how to use it?

Ans. It points to the folder where file needs to written. This returns a writable stream and file objects piped to this are saved to the file system. Folders that don’t exist will be created.
gulp.dest(path[, options])
It has 2 arguments path and an optional Option.The path (output folder) to write files to. Or a function that returns it.
In short src and dest is like copy and paste function.

Q18. What is and how to use it?

Ans. As we write code and modify your files, the method will watch for changes and automatically run our tasks again so we don’t have to run the gulp command each time. [, opts], tasks) or [, opts, cb])
 gulp.task('watch', function () {
   // Watch .js files'src/js/*.js', ['scripts']);
   // Watch .scss files'src/scss/*.scss', ['sass']);
Here we have defined a task named “watch”, in which we are watching for js files changes and css files changes using And whenever, there is any change in .js file, then run [scripts] task (which should be already defined in your gulpfile.js) and in case of .scss file changes, run [sass] task.

Q19. What is default task in gulp?

Ans. Default task is nothing but a way to execute all defined task together. Basically it’s a wrapper to other tasks.
gulp.task('default', ['lint', 'sass', 'scripts', 'watch']);
When default task gets executed, it executes all the 4 tasks.
While running gulp task from command line, you don’t have write task name if you wish to execute default task.

Q20. How do you execute gulp task?

Ans. You can execute the gulp task from command line. To execute jshint task
gulp jshint
And to execute default task,
gulp default

Q21. What is require() in gulpfile.js?

Ans. require() is used to load core gulp and gulp plugins. You need to load all the gulp plugins in your gulpfile.js using require(), if you wish to use them.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
    jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat');

Q22. Is there any way to load all gulp plugins in one go?

Ans. Yes, there is. Rather than specifying require for each plugin, gulp-load-plugins will search your packages.json file and automatically include them as plugins.pluginName().
var gulp = require('gulp'),
var plugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
Read this post for more details.

Q23. Which are the most used gulp plugins?

Ans. Though there are many plugins which you can use, but below are the most used.

Q24. How to compile SASS file to css file using gulp?

var gulp   = require('gulp'),
    sass   = require('gulp-sass');

// Compile Our Sass
gulp.task('sass', function() {
    return gulp.src('scss/*.scss')

// Watch Files For Changes
gulp.task('watch', function() {'scss/*.scss', ['sass']);

// Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'watch']);

Q.25 How to concat, uglify and rename all JavaScript files using gulp?

var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

// Concatenate & Minify JS
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('js/*.js')

// Watch Files For Changes
gulp.task('watch', function() {'js/*.js', ['lint', 'scripts']);

// Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'watch']);

Q.26 Gulp vs Grunt?

Ans. Gulp and Grunt, both are JavaScript task runners and both do the same job. Let’s first see some similarities.
  • Both are JavaScript task runner and automate various things like minification, error checking, compiling SAAS or LESS to css and many more…
  • Both are using npm for installation and rely on Node.js
  • Both have plenty of plugins to do the all the job.
Now, where they differ
  • Gulp prefers code over configuration approach, which makes thing more efficient and manageable.
  • Gulp uses node stream to reduce file I/O operations while performing any task, where with Grunt performs more file I/O operations. Which makes gulp fast.
  • Grunt plugins do more than one job which complicates things, where gulp plugins are clean to do only one job.
  • Community support is great for grunt as it’s very old, where for gulp, its not that great in comparison with Grunt.
  • Grunt has more plugins to work with than gulp.
That’s all folk. If you have something to add in this list, please mention in comments section. Meanwhile, share this in your network and spread this to help others.
Below is a sample gulpfile.js for your reference.
var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

// Lint Task
gulp.task('lint', function() {
    return gulp.src('js/*.js')

// Compile Sass
gulp.task('build-css', function() {
    return gulp.src('scss/*.scss')

// Concatenate & Minify JS
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    return gulp.src('js/*.js')

// Watch Files For Changes
gulp.task('watch', function() {'js/*.js', ['lint', 'scripts']);'scss/*.scss', ['build-css']);

// Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['lint', 'build-css', 'scripts', 'watch']);

The post Latest Gulp js interview questions appeared first on Talking Dotnet.

B2B Info Solutions Pvt Ltd